Sunday, April 4, 2010

There are some Great People out There

I never thought that I'd actually enjoy Twitter. Amazingly, I now check it in my sleep. Yep, I'm addicted.

Here's why...

There are some really great people out there! I've met moms, entrepreneurs, marketing gurus, other small businesses like me, and other crafters. I've learned something from each of them, and hopefully passed along some knowledge as well.

One of the best things I've found on Twitter is called a hashtag party. I use Tweetchat to join in on the parties. ( A hashtag party is essentially a group of tweeters coming together to talk about a particular topic at a set time. It is annoying in the sense that it means my tweet ratio goes up, but at the same time, great because you meet so many new people. It's simple to join, just go to, then put in the hashtag you are looking to join in on (i.e. #funmomma) and you'll see everyone else's comments related to that hashtag, plus everyone will see yours (as long as you're using the hashtag in your tweet, but tweetchat helps with that).

Some of my favorite hashtag parties I've attended so far are:
#momeochat - a group of moms and mom businesses talking about everything under the sun
#lytchat - stands for living your truth, a philosophical idea about being who you are, but better
#measurePR - a handy chat for learning how to measure your PR and SM efforts

I have a whole list of ones I want to attend still. Here's a link for a list someone out in the twitterverse posted that includes most of the chats out there (although not all).

Check it out - you might find you enjoy the Twitter chat as much as I do!


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